Prevalencia y determinantes de depresión en estudiantes de medicina, Honduras, Noviembre, 2017

Leonardo Flavio Medina Guillen, Hugo Alejandro Sanchez, Leonardo Jose Breve, Ernesto Kaibil Medina Ramos, Denisse Adriana Salazar, Ronald Ariel Andino Ochoa, Kevin Lisandro Cordova,Javier Shafick Asfura, José Luis Cruz

Revista Cientifica Ciencia Medica(2021)

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Introduction: Major depressive disorder is defined by certain episodes of at least two weeks of duration, whichinvolve clear changes in affect, cognition, neuro-vegetative functions, anhedonia, fatigue, among others. In Honduras,13.2% of the population is affected; however, there are no studies in depression focused on medical students. Materials and methods:This is a study with a descriptive scope, quantitative approach, cross-sectional; non-probabilistic sampling. 380 medical students from the National Autonomous University of Honduras participated from a population of 7,700. The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) was used to diagnose depression anda questionnaire with 38 questions was prepared to obtain the associated determinants. Statistical analysis wasperformed in SPSS v23 and measures of central tendency and frequency analysis were used. The recommendationsof the Helsinki declaration were considered. Results and Discussion: 31.57% have major or minor depression, in which a 55% should be considered for treatment and definitely applied in a 19.5%. 93.7% declared that the career generated some degree of stress due to the academic load and demands. In addition, 14.8% expressed that being functional in their homes, work or interpersonal relationships is very difficult or extremely difficult. Finally,11.90% of those surveyed have thoughts of death or self-harm on more than half of the days or on almost everyday.
depresión prevalencia,determinantes medicina,honduras,noviembre
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