Comportamento hemodinâmico e perceptual em idosas submetidas a uma sessão de diferentes protocolos do método pilates

João Carlos Alves Bueno,Ragami Chaves Alves, André C. Smoralek, Tácito Pessoa de Souza Junior

Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício(2019)

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Objective: The objective of this study was to a) Check the hemodynamic behavior of two Pilates protocols (AP vs SL only). b) To compare the physiological responses obtained in an acute way in elderly women submitted to two protocols of the Pilates® AP vs SL method. c) Check the safety of a Pilates® SP session through the dual product in sedentary elderly women in different methods of Pilates® AP vs SL. Methods: 19 elderly women between 60 and 70 years underwent an acute session of Pilates® soil (n = 9) and Pilates® apparatus (n = 10); measurements were made of HR Heart Rate, BP Blood Pressure, Subjective Perception of PSE Effort before, during and after 60 minutes of the session. The double product was calculated (FC x PAS / mmHgxbpm). Results: DBP during recovery after 60 min increased 10 Bpm (p <0.04) as well as a lower HR for the AP method during recovery HR (10 min) (p <0.03) and post recovery (30 min) (p <0.03). The results of the acute session in both protocols did not show double-product abnormalities with AP and SL values at least 9,820 and 8,740mmHgxbpm and 13,824 and 11,771mmHgxbpm at the highest values respectively. The average was very close between both, apparatus 11.416 and only 10.105mmHgxbpm respectively. Conclusion: A single session of Pilates® demonstrated positive effects on physiological variables. Safety was observed in both Pilates® AP and SL methods, since they presented safe hemodynamic behavior in sedentary elderly individuals presenting values below the established maximum range (≤30.000mmHg).
exercício,idoso,pressão arterial,duplo produto,pilates
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