IoT-Based Baby Swing Monitoring, Alerting and Security System

Lecture notes in networks and systems(2020)

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The present Indian culture has changed from a man-centric and male-ruled society to a progressive one, where ladies work side by side with men. Also, ladies need to deal with their work life and family at the same time. The proposed framework will help parents, particularly working women to deal with their newborn children without being physically present at home. Henceforth, a framework is proposed that will encourage the parents to monitor their children without being physically present and guarantee most extreme unwavering condition. The exhibited framework gives the total thought regarding how a child observing framework can be executed utilizing different sensors and modules like temperature, moisture sensor, PIR sensor, voice recognition, speaker module, Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno. Likewise, a servo motor has also been interfaced with the goal that the support can swing consequently when the child cries or its rest is bothered. If the temperature inside the room increases and the baby starts crying, then fan or AC is automatically switched ON using IoT technology, cradle starts swing and an audio will start in their parent’s tone. The live status of the child can be visualized on the Web site page, and the information from the sensors is powerfully refreshed. Likewise, notices with respect to child’s well-being status are sent to the parents through the voice alert as and when required. This proposed framework will help parents to remotely monitor their babies.
Internet of things, Raspberry Pi, Arduino Uno, Mobile app
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