Técnica de larson original modificada para la reconstrucción del ligamento colateral lateral de la rodilla, reporte de un caso.

Mario Carlos Morales Viteri,Luis Francisco Llerena Freire, Karen Estefanía Benavides Vargas,Daniel Alejandro Álvarez Guerrero, Cristina Elizabeth Heredia Montenegro,Dennise Solange Freire Pazmiño

Revista Medica Vozandes(2021)

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The lateral collateral ligament (LCL), which is part of the knee stabilizers, constitutes an important structure within the posterolateral complex of the same (CPL), which restricts the varus, in the flexion angles of this, especially at 30°, in addition to controlling external rotation. Lesions that affect this complex are infrequent, etiologically between 50-90% are associated with other ligamentous injuries with a predominance of 60% damage to the posterior cruciate ligament. The Larson technique is based on the reconstruction of the LCL and the popliteal complex, using a single proximal insertion in the femoral epicondyle.We present the case of a 28-year-old male patient, with no medical history, who attended due to a forced varus of the limb while performing sports activity and after receiving a direct impact on the internal lateral region of the right calf, after which he presented pain to passive movements and inability to ambulation. In addition, he presents ecchymosis, edema, superficial abrasions on the external lateral aspect and pain on acupressure in the course of the external collateral ligament. A knee examination maneuvers: positive varus yawn sign, positive patellar brushing, positive patella hyperpressure, functional limitation to flexion and extension of the joint.This modified Larson technique turns out to be one of the most promising due to its various characteristics, as the least demanding and at the same time providing encouraging results. This procedure is based on the reconstruction of the LCL and the popliteal tendon (PT) as a whole, thus summarizing the reconstruction of the Peroneal Popliteal Ligament (LPP) as a static stabilizer of the PT, with its insertion at the level of the head of the fibula in conjunction with the of the LCL and the restitution of both attachments in the femoral epicondyle, taking into account the morphology of the fibula and the angles of movement of the knee.
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