Energy levels and transition probabilities of N+, F3+, and Ne4+ ions

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A(2020)

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Abstract Term energies, oscillator strengths, transition probabilities, and transition wavelengths among the low-lying states of (1s2)2s22p2, 2s22p3p, 2s2p3, 2s22p3s, and 2s22p3d 1,3,5 L L = S, P, D, F in N+, F3+, and Ne4+ ions were calculated by using the multiconfiguration Rayleigh-Ritz variation method and restricted variation method. The transition oscillator strengths and transition probabilities for the electric dipole transitions are both given in length and velocity gauges. Deviations between these two gauge values are discussed. The calculated atomic parameters are in good agreement with the observed experimental results and other theoretical data. Furthermore, the uncertainty of each electric dipole transition is estimated. Several uncertainties of transition parameters are improved when comparing with values from national institute of standards and technology NIST database. Atomic parameters presented in this paper should be useful for identifying the levels as well as for precise spectral modeling in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas in the future work.
transition probabilities,ions,energy
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