Sparql query generation for complex question answering with bert and bilstm-based model

Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies(2020)

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In this paper we describe question answering system for answering of complex questions over Wikidata knowledge base. Unlike simple questions, which require extraction of single fact from the knowledge base, complex questions are based on more than one triplet and need logical or comparative reasoning. The proposed question answering system translates a natural language question into a query in SPARQL language, execution of which gives an answer. The system includes the models which define the SPARQL query template corresponding to the question and then fill the slots in the template with entities, relations and numerical values. For entity detection we use BERTbased sequence labelling model. Ranking of candidate relations is performed in two steps with BiLSTM and BERT-based models. The proposed models are the first solution for LC-QUAD2.0 dataset. The system is capable of answering complex questions which involve comparative or boolean reasoning.
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