Condition of teeth vs. eating habits and other health behaviours of young adults

Monika Bujnowska,Agnieszka Strzelecka, Kamil Markowski, Edyta Dziewisz,Anna Pacian,Teresa Kulik,Monika Kaczoruk, Anna Jachowicz,Grażyna Nowak-Starz

Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu(2020)

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Objectives Oral health is an integral part of the overall health of the body. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are conditions determined mostly by environmental factors and health behaviours. In order to cope with them it is often necessary to change eating habits and modify unhealthy behaviours. Objective The aim of the study is to evaluate the condition of the teeth and periodontium of young adults in the context of their lifestyle as a result of healthy and unhealthy behaviours. Material and methods The study covered a group of 250 students aged 19–22, in general good healthy, who were patients of the Centermed Clinic in Kielce. A diagnostic survey with a questionnaire was used as well as evaluation of a dental examination of the study participants. Results The results of analyses revealed that the examined students displayed numerous unhealthy behaviours connected with their diet, such as: skipping breakfast, having fizzy drinks, eating fast food, snacking between meals, and eating insufficient vegetables and fruit. There were correlations between negative health behaviours connected with diet and objective dental indices. Conclusions 1)The oral health of the examined young people, expressed with the indices studied (DMF, PD, SiC, BoP), requires definite improvement and dental intervention. 2) Young adults display numerous unhealthy behaviours despite being aware of the adverse influence on their general condition and oral health. 3)There was a correlation between the oral health of the examined young people and healthy and unhealthy behaviours.
lifestyle,health behaviours,social dentistry,conservative dentistry
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