Student teachers' perspectives on their readiness towards teaching practice: A case study in a Malaysian university

Journal Of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers & Teacher Education(2019)

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This paper discussespart of the findings ina case study conductedto student teacherswhowere inteacher education programme in a selected university. The discussion focuseson the findings of interviews done to the students regarding withtheirreadinessfor their teaching practice orteaching practiceat schools where there wereplaced. Open endedinterviews were done to randomly ten students whohad gone to the schools for their social visit before they gofor their teaching practice.Audio data were collected from the participants of the interviews.The datawere analysed and categorisedthematically. There were main themes of the readiness that emergedfrom the analysisincludesocialreadiness, psychologicalreadiness,generalpedagogical knowledgereadiness,pedagogical content knowledgereadinessand basic skillsreadiness. The findings showthatthe student teachers admitted confidently that theywereready socially and psychologicallyfor their teaching practice. They were also had readiness onthe aspects ofgeneral pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and basics skills that will be required for the performing of the teaching practice.These findings might have connection withwhy most of the students scored higherachievementgrade in teaching practice. Therefore further study mightalso be conductedto acquire clearer picture to be noted about it.
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