Offshore Field Experience with Non Chemical Oilfield Scale Prevention/Remediation Strategies in Brazil

Day 4 Thu, May 07, 2020(2020)

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Non-chemical scale prevention strategies are an important driver to reduce costs and minimize environmental impact on oilfield operations. Application interests includes both downhole and surface critical scenarios. Downhole use applies where chemical injection devices show low reliability or in the implementation of intelligent completion configurations which do not support chemical injection in the lower zones. This article summarizes both positive and non-conclusive experiences with different methods in onshore environment as a pilot for the implementation of massive offshore applications. The team tested electromagnetic and permanent magnet devices in different onshore and offshore applications, including downhole magnetic subs installed at a tubing string, surface electromagnetic/magnetic devices at production separation facilities and water and an ultrasonic assisted chemical remediation of an offshore hydrocyclonic separator. This article also discusses additional ongoing offshore tests. The use of several technology solutions employed so far showed promising results in order to enable subsea well construction employing completion designs with no downhole chemical injection.
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