The National Survey of Health, Diet, Physical Activity and Supplements among Adults in Saudi Arabia

Food and Drug Regulatory Science Journal(2018)

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Background Diet, health, physical activity, tobacco use, and mental health are risk factors that contribute to an increased incidence of NCDs. This report aims to determine overall health status, nutritional perceptions, knowledge, behaviors, and shopping practices among the Saudi population. Methods A nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted among Saudi residents aged ≥ 18 years. This study used a stratified quota sampling technique to get an equal distribution of participants across the 13 regions of Saudi Arabia. Results A total of 3,699 people across all 13 regions in Saudi Arabia were interviewed. Of those, 15.2% reported that they had at least one chronic disease, 12.5% were at risk of depression, and 16.4% were regular smokers. Overall, 25.9% of participants were obese (29% of men and 26.5% of women). Less than two thirds (60.5%) of participants were physically active, with an average of 53 minutes of physical activity per day. A lack of willpower was the most-reported reason for not being active. A very small portion of participants ate fruit (5.8%) and vegetables (7.3%). During the last seven days, 19.9 % had taken supplements, and 54.65% of those reported that they used supplements for medical reasons. Conclusion Further research is needed to develop evidence-based nutrition guidelines to address food consumption and Saudi dietary habits.
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