From Emotional Intelligence to Emotional Competences in Management

Managerial Competencies for Multinational BusinessesAdvances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development(2019)

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Emotions can affect the daily behavior and decisions of managers. In an international environment where the context, culture, and values can be very different among individuals, it is important to understand and interpret the different kinds of emotions. Contributions from human behavioral sciences have shed light on the extent to which the control of emotions by companies and managers is crucial to extract the best individual and collective results. This chapter examines the management of emotions from an international perspective. Specifically, the chapter analyzes the concept of emotion, its dimensions, the basic theories and framework of emotions, the use of emotional intelligence, and how its evolution has led to the development of emotional competences for managers. Finally, the chapter presents a case study, in order to discuss traditional management and the consideration of emotions as a new practical and valuable paradigm in management.
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