Deletion of α 2 δ-1 Calcium Channel Subunit Reduces Calcium Influx and Alters the Electrical Activity of Mouse Chromaffin Cells

Biophysical Journal(2017)

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Calcium influx through high voltage gated calcium channels (HVCC) shapes the electrical activity and controls catecholamine release of mouse chromaffin cells (MCCs). HVCC are multi-subunit protein complexes composed of the pore forming α1 and auxiliary α2δ and β subunits. α2δ is a key regulator of HVCCs membrane incorporation and function. Here we show that genetic deletion of α2δ-1, the dominant α2δ isoform in MCCs, reduces the L-, R- and P/Q-N-type calcium currents by ∼50% without affecting the current kinetics. This dramatically altered the electrical activity of α2δ-1-/- MCCs. Only 40% of α2δ-1-/- MCCs showed spontaneous firing compared to 90% in WT cells. The action potentials (AP) had a smaller half width as the maximum rise and decay slopes were significantly higher in α2δ-1-/- cells compared to WT. During ramp current injection the inter-spike interval was similar but, the AP amplitude decreased faster in α2δ-1-/- MCCs. Upon incremental step current injections, the WT MCCs responded with increasing firing frequency whereas α2δ-1-/- MCCs had a high firing frequency independent of stimulation. While smaller calcium influx explains the shortening of the AP in α2δ-1-/- MCCs, the altered firing frequency is caused by reduced functional coupling between HVCC and calcium-dependent potassium channels (BK and SK). The extracellular application of 20µM EGTA-AM resulted in a stronger reduction of calcium-dependent potassium conductance in α2δ-1-/- MCCs compared to WT. Taken together, our data demonstrate that α2δ-1 loss-of-function strongly affects calcium influx and electrical activity in MCCs. To assess the physiological relevance of our findings, we are currently quantifying the effect of α2δ-1 deletion on MCCs hormone release.
calcium channel subunit,calcium channel,calcium influx
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