[Randomized controlled trial outcome indicators of traditional Chinese medicine for gastrointestinal dysfunction in sepsis in recent two years].

Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica(2022)

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The purpose of the study is to analyze the outcomes of randomized controlled trial(RCT) of Chinese herbal medicine formula(CHMF) in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction in sepsis in recent two years. We systematically searched four Chinese databases, three English databases, and two clinical trial registries to analyze the reports of outcome indicators of clinical trials, and evaluated the risk of bias by using the ROB tool of Cochrane Collaboration. After screening, 55 clinical RCTs were included. The results showed that the current clinical studies of gastrointestinal dysfunction in sepsis reported the efficacy and safety indicators. The efficacy indicators included APACHE Ⅱ scores, gastrointestinal dysfunction scores, bowel sound scores, and inflammatory indicator such as C-reactive protein and procalcitonin. The safety indicators mainly include gastrointestinal reactions, skin reactions, and other adverse events and adverse reactions. However, there was no distinction between primary and secondary outcomes. The relevant indicators of health economics were not reported, and the quality of research methodology was poor. Therefore, we suggest that future researchers should be well prepared in the top-level design stage and actively construct the core outcome set, so as to improve the quality of clinical trials.
gastrointestinal dysfunction in sepsis,outcome indicator,randomized controlled trial,traditional Chinese medicine
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