Dual attention granularity network for vehicle re-identification


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Vehicle re-identification (Re-ID) aims to search for a vehicle of interest in a large video corpus captured by different surveillance cameras. The identification process considers both coarse-grained similarity (e.g., vehicle Model/color) and fine-grained similarity (e.g., windshield stickers/decorations) among vehicles. Coarse-grained and fine-grained similarity comparisons usually attend to very different visual regions, which implies that two different attention modules are required to handle different granularity comparisons. In this paper, we propose a dual attention granularity network (DAG-Net) for Vehicle Re-ID. The DAG-Net consists of three main components: (1) A convolutional neural network with a dual-branch structure is proposed as the backbone feature extractor for coarse-grained recognition (i.e., vehicle Model) and fine-grained recognition (i.e., vehicle ID); (2) the self-attention model is added to each branch, which enables the DAG-Net to detect different regions of interest (ROIs) at both coarse-level and fine-level with the assistance of the part-positioning block; (3) finally, we obtain refined regional features of the ROIs from the sub-networks ROIs. As a result, the proposed DAG-Net is able to selectively attend to the most discriminative regions for coarse/fine-grained recognition. We evaluate our method on two Vehicle Re-ID datasets: VeRi-776 and VehicleID. Experiments show that the proposed method can bring substantial performance improvement and achieve state-of-the-art accuracy. In addition, we focus on the different effects of regional features and global features. We conduct experiments to verify it in the PKU dataset and discuss the effectiveness.
Dual-branch, Self-attention, Granularity, Vehicle re-identification, Part-positioning, Region detection
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