Effect of Thiopental on Ischemic Stroke in Rat Brain in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats


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Motivation and Problem Statement. Thiopental is an anesthetic drug related to the condition of controlling the area of neurological contexts. This study is related to the analysis of effectiveness for the condition of thiopental application on spontaneously hypertensive rats. Methodology. We have evaluated the thiopental induction as the anesthetic agent. The hypertensive rats were selected to administer thiopental in the form of anesthesia. The selection and application of hypertensive strokes are related to the derivation of an inducible model to assess the efficacy for analyzing the ischemic stroke parameters which relate to the human body. We used middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) models related to spontaneous hypertension with the area of examining the complications in ischemic stroke. Results and Conclusion. The study focused on the experimental analysis based on the selection of spontaneously hypertensive rats associated with the incidence of ischemic stroke. Application of thiopental has reported the weak functionality and mechanism on the relaxation of neuronal activity in the case of rat brain. The considered population of the spontaneously hypertensive rats is evaluated based on the condition of effectiveness as well as the duration of the medication effects within the rat brain. Involvement of thiopental in the case of ischemic stroke has provided the area of risk development for high rate of death incidences after occurrence of acute ischemic stroke. A complication in the area of defining neuroprotective actions provides difficulty in drawing an appropriate conclusion of the study.
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