Evaluation and Management of an Abandoned Infant at a Quaternary Care Hospital

The Journal of Emergency Medicine(2022)

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Background: Infants are often brought to an emergency department (ED) for medical evaluation upon surrender or abandonment. However, no specific guidelines exist for the care of surrendered or abandoned children. We describe the case of an abandoned infant who was brought to a pediatric quaternary care hospital as a model for evaluation and management. Case Report: A 3-day-old abandoned female was brought to a quaternary care pediatric hospital ED. Given limitations in history, upon physical examination and in consultation with specialists, our team completed an extensive laboratory workup to guide initial management and treatment. Why Should an Emergency Physician Be Aware of This?: Abandoned and surrendered infants frequently enter the medical system via the ED, and emergency physicians must be aware of best practices to evaluate and manage these patients. While each infant presentation is unique, commonalities exist. Our care may serve as a starting point by which others may base their own management. (C) 2022 Elsevier Inc. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Emergency medicine,Guidelines,Neonatology
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