Preferences for a Game-Based SMS Adherence Intervention Among Young People Living with HIV in Ghana: A Qualitative Study

AIDS and Behavior(2022)

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Young people living with HIV (YPLH) are at risk for poor treatment adherence. Short message service (SMS) interventions can improve adherence, yet few exist for YPLH. Our study investigated preferences for a game-based SMS intervention among YPLH in Ghana. Thirty-two YPLH, ages 18 to 24, were recruited from an HIV clinic to complete in-depth interviews. Content analysis of interview data revealed areas of technology use relevant to intervention implementation, including mobile communication preferences, internet access, and mobile game use. Participants reported high perceived utility towards intervention features: treatment reminders, gamification components, and involvement of supportive individuals (e.g., providers). Issues with privacy, literacy, and cultural/developmental appropriateness were among concerns raised. Suggestions were made for strengthening basic SMS features (e.g., using code words to protect privacy) and incorporating advanced features (e.g., simplifying game interactions). This novel approach may help engage YPLH in HIV care if carefully developed with attention towards its mechanisms and user preferences.
Adherence,Young people,Gamification,Sub-Saharan Africa,HIV,Qualitative methods
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