Pigment-dispersing factor is involved in photoperiodic control of reproduction in the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali

Journal of Insect Physiology(2022)

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Animals in temperate regions breed in the appropriate season by sensing seasonal changes through photoperiodism. Many studies suggest the involvement of a circadian clock system in the photoperiodic regulation of reproduction. Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a known brain neuropeptide involved in the circadian control in various insects. Here, we investigated the localization and projection of PDF neurons in the brain and their involvement in the photoperiodic control of reproduction in the females of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed a dense cluster of PDF-immunoreactive cells localized in the proximal medulla of the optic lobe, which corresponded to the cluster known as PDFMe cells. PDF-immunoreactive cells projected their fibers to the lamina through the medulla surface. PDF-immunoreactive fibers were also found in the protocerebrum and seemed to connect both PDF cell bodies in the optic lobes. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of pdf inhibited oviposition arrest induced by the transfer from long- to short-day conditions. Additionally, the knockdown of pdf delayed oviposition onset after the change from short- to long-day conditions. In conclusion, the study results indicate that PDF is locally expressed in a cell cluster at the proximal medulla and involved in the photoperiodic control of reproduction in P. stali females.
Pigment-dispersing factor,Photoperiodism,Immunohistochemistry,RNA interference,Brown-winged green bug,Photoperiodic transfer
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