Contribution of Gut Microbiota to Immune Tolerance in Infants.

Journal of immunology research(2021)

引用 9|浏览2
The prevalence of food allergy has increased in recent years, especially among the pediatric population. Differences in the gut microbiota composition between children with FA and healthy children have brought this topic into the spotlight as a possible explanation for the increase in FA. The gut microbiota characteristics are acquired through environmental interactions starting early in life, such as type of delivery during birth and breastfeeding. The microbiota features may be shaped by a plethora of immunomodulatory mechanisms, including a predominant role of Tregs and the transcription factor FOXP3. Additionally, a pivotal role has been given to vitamin A and butyrate, the main anti-inflammatory metabolite. These observations have led to the study and development of therapies oriented to modifying the microbiota and metabolite profiles, such as the use of pre- and probiotics and the determination of their capacity to induce tolerance to allergens that are relevant to FA. To date, evidence supporting these approaches in humans is scarce and inconclusive. Larger cohorts and dose-titration studies are mandatory to evaluate whether the observed changes in gut microbiota composition reflect medical recovery and increased tolerance in pediatric patients with FA. In this article, we discuss the establishment of the microbiota, the immunological mechanisms that regulate the microbiota of children with food allergies, and the evidence in research focused on its regulation as a means to achieve tolerance to food allergens.
gut microbiota,immune tolerance,infants
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