A Systematic Approach to Evaluating Closed System Drug-Transfer Devices During Drug Product Development

Sanket Patke, Erika Naumann Gaillat,Cesar Calero-Rubio, Tamera B Gooding,Heloise Audat, Marie Leman,Vasco Filipe,Atul Saluja

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences(2022)

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The use of Closed System Drug-Transfer Devices (CSTDs) has increased significantly in recent years due to NIOSH and USP recommendations to use them during preparation of hazardous drugs. Mechanistic and material differences between CSTDs and traditional in-use components warrant an assessment of their impact on product quality and dosing accuracy. Using a combination of prevalent CSTDs with biologic molecules, we performed an extensive assessment of the effect of using CSTDs for dose preparation and observed no negative impact on product quality attributes. Additionally, we found that the CSTD hold-up volume is 2 to 4-fold higher than conventional in-use components and exhibited a strong dependence on the CSTD brand used. We also found that the CSTD brand and dosing volume have a major influence on dosing accuracy with suboptimal protein recovery at very low dosing volumes. We identified entrapment of product in the CSTD spike as the root cause for this sub-optimal recovery and found that flushing the CSTD spike with a brand-new syringe and not the dosing syringe aided in complete protein recovery. Taken together we present a systematic approach to evaluate the risks and impact of CSTD to drug product quality, dose preparation, and dosing accuracy.
Protein formulation(s),Biocompatibility,Clinical trial simulation(s),Drug delivery system(s),Monoclonal antibody(s),Antibody-drug conjugate(s),Physical stability
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