The only noncontextual model of the stabilizer subtheory is Gross's.

arXiv (Cornell University)(2021)

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We prove that there is a unique nonnegative and diagram-preserving quasiprobability representation of the stabilizer subtheory in all odd dimensions, namely Gross's discrete Wigner function. This representation is equivalent to Spekkens' epistemically restricted toy theory, which is consequently singled out as the unique noncontextual ontological model for the stabilizer subtheory. Strikingly, the principle of noncontextuality is powerful enough (at least in this setting) to single out one particular classical realist interpretation. Our result explains the practical utility of Gross's representation, e.g. why (in the setting of the stabilizer subtheory) negativity in this particular representation implies generalized contextuality, and hence sheds light on why negativity of this particular representation is a resource for quantum computational speedup. It also allows us to prove that generalized contextuality is a necessary resource for universal quantum computation in the state injection model. In all even dimensions, we prove that there does not exist any nonnegative and diagram-preserving quasiprobability representation of the stabilizer subtheory, and, hence, that the stabilizer subtheory is contextual in all even dimensions. Together, these results constitute a complete characterization of the (non)classicality of all stabilizer subtheories.
stabilizer subtheory,only noncontextual model
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