Blockchain for electronic health records via proof-of- stake

Mubashshira Farooqui,Om Singh, Sagar Kumar


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Electronic Health Records (EHRs) measure vital and sensitive personal data for assistance, and are often desired to be shared among peers. Blockchain technology facilitates a shared, unchangeable history of all transactions that creates a program of trust, responsibility, and transparency. This provides a new opportunity to implement the safe and reliable EHR management and sharing of knowledge, and harm the system. In this paper, we present our views on blockchain-based aid knowledge management for EHR knowledge exchange between aid suppliers and analytical studies. In conventional electronic health records (EHRs), medicine, customer, and other related information are separately controlled under different authorized hospitals, inconvenient to share the information. Cloud-based EHRs resolve the dilemma of data yielding in conventional EHRs. Nevertheless, cloud-based EHRs have a central problem, such as a key generator center and a cloud-based service center. We resolve to take advantage of developing technology from blockchain to electronic health records (referred to as blockchain-based health electronic records for assistance). Primary, we formally characterize the system model for electronic records in a blockchain consortium setup. Besides, authentication subject is very significant for electronic medical records. However, the current blockchainbased electronic record authentication systems have their own weaknesses. Therefore, in this work, we also propose an authentication scheme for blockchain-based e-health records. Our proposal is an identity-based signature scheme with multiple authorities and proof of stake consensus. Keyword – Blockchain, ABS, multi-authority, trust, policy, tree, DNF, GID, central authority
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