Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship Educational Programming: A Qualitative Evaluation (e3)

Janet Papadakos,Aileen Trang,Alaina B Cyr,Nazek Abdelmutti,Meredith E Giuliani, Michelle Snow, Tara McCurdie, Menaka Pulandiran, Sara, Urowitz,David Wiljer


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Background: Cancer patients and their caregivers want information about their disease and are interested in finding health information online. Despite the abundance of cancer information online, it is often fragmented, its quality is highly variable, and it can be difficult to navigate without expert-level knowledge of the cancer system. The Patient & Family Library at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre offers a broad collection of high-quality cancer health information and staff are available to help patrons refine their questions and explore information needs that they may not have considered. Objective: The purpose of this research study was to deconstruct patrons’ information-seeking behaviors in the library to assess the feasibility of replicating the services provided in the library through a Web app, extending the service beyond the walls of the cancer centre. The specific aims of this research were to understand (1) how patrons approach information seeking in the library (interface design), (2) how patrons communicate their informational needs (information categorization and metadata requirements), and (3) what resources are provided to address the patrons’ information needs (collection development). Methods: We employed a qualitative, instrumental case study to deconstruct patrons’ health information-seeking behavior. The study population included patients, the librarian, and library volunteers. Ethnographic observation was conducted at the library over 3 days and key informant interviews with library staff were conducted to address the first aim. A closed card-sorting activity JMIR Cancer 2017 | vol. 3 | iss. 1 | e6 | p.2 (page number not for citation purposes) Papadakos et al JMIR CANCER
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