Infrapolitical Passages

Fordham University Press eBooks(2020)

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This book clears a way through some of the dominant political determinations and violent symptoms of contemporary globalization. It considers globalization as a new, and increasingly unmoored, ordering for which modern political theory, including its theories of political subjectivation, has proven largely obsolete. Globalization is the hollowing out and expiration of the political-theological imagination of the modern juridical system of states. In this regard Infrapolitical Passages provides (1) a theory of globalization as a crisis of symbolic organization and (2) a theory of global economic warfare as the positing itself of both directionlessness and facticity. In contrast, the work of clearing proposes “infrapolitics” as a distance from the biopolitical, which it understands as the contemporary forms of domination, that is, as the production of specific forms of subjectivity that pertain to the age of the ontology of the commodity. It is the relation of the subject to domination—and the subsequent obscuring of any question for being—that signals the need to circumvent the instrumentalization of life as a relation of subordination to the metaphysics of subjectivity, representation, and politics.
infrapolitical passages
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