Anguina tritici (wheat seed gall nematode).

CABI Compendium(2021)

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Abstract Anguina tritici, commonly referred to as wheat seed gall nematode, is the cause of ear-cockle disease. It was the first plant-parasitic nematode to be described in the scientific literature in 1743. Its host range includes wheat, triticale, rye, and related grasses; the primary host is wheat. Ear cockle in the past was reported in all major wheat growing areas. However, physical and mechanical methods for separating infected galls from seed have eradicated the nematode from the western hemisphere. It remains a problem in several countries in the Near and Middle East, the Asian Subcontinent and Eastern Europe, most likely due to poor awareness and lack of campaigns for establishing clean seed. A. tritici is on the U.S. Pests of Economic and Environmental Importance List, and on the 'Harmful Organism Lists' for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Indonesia, Israel, Madagascar, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Uruguay.
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