The Gas and Aerosol Phase Composition of Smoke Plumes From The 2019-2020 Black Summer Bushfires and Potential Implications For Human Health


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The 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season was historically large, long, and intense. Smoke from fires burning in southeast Australia blanketed population centres for weeks to months. This study reports the chemical composition in the gas and aerosol phase of aged plumes measured near Wollongong, NSW in early 2020. Enhancement ratios to CO are presented for thirteen species. Plume composition is largely similar to that measured in fresh smoke during previous studies. It is hoped enhancement ratios reported here will assist in plume modelling of landscape scale fires and allow concentration estimates of infrequently measured atmospheric pollutants at monitoring stations. The relative toxicological contribution of species present in the plumes was determined for dilute plume exposure at the measurement site and for concentrated plumes at a heavily impacted population centre case study location. Similar results were determined for both sites. Respirable particles, formaldehyde and acrolein were found to contribute significantly to the toxicological loading, with respirable particles contributing approximately half of the loading. This is a reminder to consider not only the toxicological contributions of particles when studying health impacts of bushfire smoke exposure.
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