Qingru Feng, Daniel M. Michaelson,Helena C. Chui,Alfred Fonteh,Jan O. Johansson,John K. Bielicki,Michael Harrington,Hussein N. Yassine, Erica R. Scioli-Salter, Katharine B. White, Alan Ashare, Gregory Andrade, Mark Iannuccilli, Julia Soscia

Alzheimer's & Dementia(2017)

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study partners completed the A-IADL-Q. Feasibility was investigated by interviewing subjects after follow-up. We compared baseline and follow-up scores using paired t-tests with Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, and test-retest reliability with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) using a two-factor mixed model and type absolute agreement. Additionally, we applied the Bland-Altman method to explore systematic differences that could point towards practice effects. Results: The patient group (40% female, age 69.9 (SD1⁄47.4), MMSE 25.3 (SD1⁄43.3)) was slightly older than the control group (50% female, age 65 (SD1⁄47.1), p1⁄4.006). Overall, subjects experienced test content and materials as feasible. For patients, we only found a significant higher score at follow-up (M1⁄42.4, SD1⁄45.4, corrected p1⁄4.04) for the DSST, despite a high absolute agreement (ICC1⁄4.881, p<.001). The Bland-Altman plot did not show systematic differences (Figure 1). For all subtests, we found moderate to high test-retest reliability in patients (ICCs ranging from .551 to .945). ICCs were substantially lower in controls (ranging from .048 to .650), probably due to ceiling effects. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that the CFC is a feasible and reliable measure in MCI and mild AD, and therefore meets important quality aspects for clinically meaningful outcome measures. Next, we will focus on its sensitivity to changes over time.
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