Visual tracking of hands , faces and facial features as a basis for human-robot communication


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This paper presents an integrated approach for tracking hands, faces and specific facial features (eyes, nose, and mouth) of multiple persons in image sequences. For hand and face tracking, we employ a state-of-the-art blob tracker which is specifically trained to track skin-colored regions. The skin-color tracker is extended by incorporating an incremental probabilistic classifier used to maintain and continuously update the belief about the class of each tracked blob, which can be left-hand, right hand or face as well as to associate hand blobs with their corresponding faces. Then, in order to detect and track specific facial features within each detected facial blob, a hybrid method consisting of an appearance-based detector and a feature-based tracker is employed. The proposed approach is intended to provide input for the analysis of hand gestures and facial expressions that humans utilize while engaged in various conversational states with robots that operate autonomously in public places. It has been integrated into a system which runs in real time on a conventional personal computer which is located on the mobile robot itself. Experimental results confirm its effectiveness for the specific task at hand.
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