Clinical efficacy of different therapeutic modes of CO2 fractional laser for treatment of static periocular wrinkles in Asian skin


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Background Periocular fine lines and wrinkles usually appear as a first visible sign of facial aging. Fractional ablative laser has been used to treat periorbital wrinkles. Objective To compare the efficacy on treatment of static periorbital wrinkles using different emission modes of CO2 fractional laser. Methods A total of 30 patients with static periorbital wrinkles were enrolled. The subjects were randomly assigned into two split-face groups: One side was treated with a deep (n = 15) or mid-mode of CO2 superficial laser (n = 15), and the other side of periocular region was treated by a fusion mode in combination of both modes (n = 30). Results The patients in three groups showed significant improvements on indexes of periocular wrinkles, skin textures, and elasticity at three-month follow-up as compared with baseline (p < 0.05). Fusion mode resulted in a significantly progressive improvement on periocular wrinkles at three-month follow-up as compared with one-month follow-up (p < 0.05), which were not observed in other modes. Fusion mode delivered better improvements of periocular wrinkles and skin textures as compared to deep and mid-modes at three-month follow-up (p < 0.05). Fusion mode also resulted in better scores of global esthetic improvement scale and patient satisfaction as compared to other modes at both follow-ups. Conclusion The fusion mode has a synergistic effect in periorbital static wrinkle treatment, which is worthy of further evaluation and investigation.
fractional laser, periorbital wrinkles, skin aging
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