Novel histone deacetylase inhibitor CT-101 induces γ-globin gene expression in sickle erythroid progenitors with targeted epigenetic effects.

Louis H Junker,Biaoru Li,Xingguo Zhu,Sivanagireddy Koti, Ryan E Cerbone, Clifford L Hendrick,Jose Sangerman,Susan Perrine,Betty S Pace

Blood cells, molecules & diseases(2021)

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Induction of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) expression ameliorates the clinical severity and prolong survival in persons with sickle cell disease (SCD). Hydroxyurea (HU) is the only FDA-approved HbF inducer however, additional therapeutics that produce an additive effect in SCD are needed. To this end, development of potent Class I histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) for HbF induction represents a rational molecularly targeted approach. In studies here, we evaluated CT-101, a novel Class I-restricted HDACi, a Largazole derivative, for pharmacodynamics, cytotoxicity, and targeted epigenetic effects. In SCD-derived erythroid progenitors, CT-101 induced HbF expression with additive activity in combination with HU. CT-101 preferentially activated γ-globin gene transcription, increased acetylated histone H3 levels, and conferred an open chromatin conformation in the γ-globin promoter. These data indicate CT-101 represents a strong potential candidate as a molecularly targeted inducer of HbF.
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