Estrogen receptor variant ER alpha 46 and insulin receptor drive in primary breast cancer cells growth effects and interleukin 11 induction prompting the motility of cancer-associated fibroblasts


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Among the prognostic and predictive biomarkers of breast cancer (BC), the role of estrogen receptor (ER)alpha wild-type has been acknowledged, although the action of certain ER alpha splice variants has not been elucidated. Insulin/insulin receptor (IR) axis has also been involved in the progression and metastasis of BC. For instance, hyperinsulinemia, which is often associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes, may be a risk factor for BC. Similarly, an aberrant expression of IR or its hyperactivation may correlate with aggressive BC phenotypes. In the present study, we have shown that a novel naturally immortalized BC cell line (named BCAHC-1) is characterized by a unique expression of 46 kDa ER alpha splice variant (ER alpha 46) along with IR. Moreover, we have shown that a multifaceted crosstalk between ER alpha 46 and IR occurs in BCAHC-1 cells upon estrogen and insulin exposure for growth and pulmonary metastasis. Through high-throughput RNA sequencing analysis, we have also found that the cytokine interleukin-11 (IL11) is the main factor linking BCAHC-1 cells to breast cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). In particular, we have found that IL11 induced by estrogens and insulin in BCAHC-1 cells regulates pro-tumorigenic genes of the "extracellular matrix organization" signaling pathway, such as ICAM-1 and ITGA5, and promotes both migratory and invasive features in breast CAFs. Overall, our results may open a new scientific avenue to identify additional prognostic and therapeutic targets in BC.
breast cancer, ER alpha 46, estrogens, insulin, insulin receptor
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