Developing Opioid Prescription Guidelines After Anorectal Surgery: Do Patient-Reported Outcomes and Risk Factors Influence Consumption?


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BACKGROUND: Opioids prescribed to address postoperative pain drive opioid-related deaths in the United States. Prescribing guidelines have been developed for many general surgical procedures, which have decreased opioid prescription and consumption. The literature on opioids after anorectal surgery is lacking. OBJECTIVE: We analyzed our data on opioid prescription and consumption to create opioid-prescribing guidelines for anorectal procedures. DESIGN: We designed a prospectively collected postoperative survey given to consecutive patients undergoing anorectal surgery by colorectal surgeons. SETTINGS: Patients had surgery at 2 academic, university-affiliated hospitals. PATIENTS: Patients undergoing anorectal surgery from May 3, 2018, to December 18, 2019, were included in the study. Patients were excluded if they were <18 years of age, had a concurrent abdominopelvic surgery, consumed opioids in the week before their operation, or were without follow-up at 3 months postoperatively. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome of this study was the number of opioid pills needed to fulfill consumption of 80% of patients. Secondary outcome measures were patient, operative, and postoperative factors associated with increasing pill consumption. RESULTS: Eighteen 5-mg oxycodone tablets were needed to fulfill the needs of 80% of patients. An overall median of 8 pills was consumed. Pill prescription was independently predictive of increased consumption. The only patient factor associated with increased consumption was race; no other patient or operative factors were predictive of consumption. LIMITATIONS: Limitations of this study include its partially retrospective nature, use of self-reported data, and lack of racial diversity among our cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Without any clinical factors predictive of increased consumption, prescription guidelines can be standardized to <= 18 5-mg oxycodone tablets across anorectal surgery patients. As prescription is correlated with consumption, further work is needed to determine whether lesser quantities of opioids prescribed offer similar postoperative pain relief for patients undergoing anorectal surgery.
Anorectal surgery, Opioids, Postoperative pain control
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