Harmfulness Of Cruciferous Bugs

S. Stankevych, V. V. Vilna,I. Zabrodina,I. P. Lezhenina, H. Baidyk,M. O. Filatov, L. Ya Sirous,D. D. Yushchuk, M. M. Dolya, O. H. Afanasieva,L. Popova, L. P. Kava,R. Yakovlev,V. O. Melenti


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The complex of cruciferous bugs includes such species as painted or harlequin (cabbage) bug (Eurydema ventralis Kol), pentatomid rape bug (E. oleraracea L.), and mustard bug (E. ornata L.). They belong to a line Hemiptera, the family Shield bugs (Pentatomidae), and the genus Cruciferous bugs (Eurydema). The dominant species is the cabbage bug. The mustard bug dominated only in 2007, and since 2012 it has not been detected in the records. They are widespread throughout the whole territory of Ukraine. Both adult bugs and larvae cause damage to the crops; they pierce the leaf skin or floriferous shoots with the proboscis and suck out the juice. The light spots appear at the puncture points, the tissue dies, falls out, and the holes of the irregular form are formed. When the seeds are damaged, the flowers and ovary fall off, and the quality of the seeds deteriorates. The harmfulness of the bugs increases dramatically in dry and hot weather.It is established that the weight of 1000 seeds of spring rape damaged by the cruciferous bugs is 36.27-53.52% less than that of the undamaged ones; for white mustard, these figures are 33.05-33.48%, and the weight of 1000 seeds of white cabbage damaged by the cruciferous bugs is 30.48-30.83 % less than the weight of the undamaged ones. The germination rate of the damaged spring rape seeds is 5.7-9.4% lower than that of the undamaged ones, the germination rate of white mustard is lower by 10.6%, and the germination rate of white cabbage seeds is lower by 37.1-38.1%. The oil content in the damaged seeds of spring rape is reduced by 14.45% on average, and the estimated oil yield at an average yield capacity of 0.495 t/ha is 0.071 t/ha lower.
spring rape, mustard, pests, harmfulness, cruciferous bugs
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