The Effects Of A Low-Carbohydrate Diet On Obesity And Associated Comorbidities

N. Rebic, S. Mirkovic, M. Mirkovic,V Ilic


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Obesity is undoubtedly one of the leading health problems today. According to some authors, the main cause of obesity is a high intake of carbohydrates. This hypothesis has contributed to the creation of a large number of diets with limited carbohydrate intake, including the keto diet.Considering the great popularity of this diet and the large number of contradictory attitudes related to it, the aim of this paper is to review the effectiveness of a ketogenic diet in the treatment of obesity and associated comorbidities.A search of databases (KoBSON, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, PEDro, DOAJ, PubMed) has identified 1197 studies on the relevant topic, and a further application of the set criteria, the final analysis included 37 studies. Using a descriptive and analytical method for processing the selected literature, we found that a ketogenic diet compared to a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat, leads to initially greater weight loss, but in the long run, later results are equalized.Moreover, most studies show the positive effects of this diet on the cardiovascular system and lipid profile in terms of lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as the values of triglycerides and cholesterol and increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. In addition, the results show a positive effect in the treatment of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, a ketogenic diet can also lead to vitamin, mineral and dietary fiber deficiencies, electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, increased uric acid and the risk of gout, metabolic acidosis, as well as cognitive impairment.Overall, the ketogenic diet has its place in diet therapy, but its proper indication and implementation is very important in order to minimize the side effects.
keto diet, lipid profile, body composition, metabolic diseases
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