Enhanced RSA Algorithm using Fake Modulus and Fake Public Key Exponent

2018 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer, and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)(2018)

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In cryptography Public key cryptography plays an important role in the field of data communication. Public key uses two different keys where keys are associated in such a way that, the public key can use to encrypt the data and private key is used to decrypt. RSA is considered as one of the efficient algorithm in public key cryptography. Efficiency of RSA Algorithm mainly depends on how effectively public key components is shared i.e. modulus n and public key exponent e. If these components compromised using mathematical attack, obtaining private key becomes easier job for the intruder. In this paper an enhanced RSA algorithm is proposed to increase the factoring complexity of the public keys, we use fake public key exponent f instead of e and modulus X instead of `n'. Results of our scheme overcome the limitations of Integer factorization attack. Paper also gives comparative analysis of the proposed work using standard metrics.
Public key cryptography,Fermat factorization,Euler's function,wieners attack
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