Role Of Analgesia In Control Of The Discomfort And Pain In Endoscopic Colonic Polypectomy


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BACKGROUND: The first choice technique for the resection of colorectal polyps is without doubt the Endoscopic polypectomy, which plays a significant role in the prevention of colorectal cancer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sedation of patients undergoing polypectomy in reducing pain and discomfort.METHODS: A 200 patients case-control study shows the role of analgesia and sedation in endoscopic procedures. Patients submitted to a colono-scopy to perform a polypectomy, were allocated in two different groups according to receive or not a sedation. A continuous vital signs checking has been applied, and a comparison of pain and discomfort felt by the two groups, shows a statistically minor presence of the two symptoms in analgesia group with a shorter caecum reaching time as well.RESULTS: Eighty-five percent of group A patients described the procedure as painful according to VAS pain scale (VAS>6) and the 90% reported moderate discomfort as well. Comparing the two groups is possible to observe with a statistical significativity that 38,8% of group B patients reported the procedure as painful, while the 85% of group A patients.CONCLUSIONS: The use of analgesia drugs such as short life benzodiazepine is the favorite particularly in well set outpatient according to our study outcomes, leading to a less discomfort related procedure and a better procedure performance.
Pain, Analgesia, Endoscopy
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