Evaluation Of Vibrio Cholerae Enrichments Media For Cholera Diagnosis By Immunochromatographic Strip Test


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Vibrio cholerae strains are capable of causing outbreak cholera in developing country with poor sanitation and hygiene. Conventional culture methods currently available for detection of V. cholerae 01 takes 3 - 5 days. Other diagnostic tools are by using rapid immunochromatographic strip test for controlling and preventing the spreading of cholera outbreak. This method has limitation in detection of V. cholerae O1, especially under 105 cfu/mL. Furthermore rapid method can be improved by enrichment media and incubation in 37 degrees C for 6 - 8 hours. The aims of research are to analyse enrichments media in increasingl V. cholerae O1, and it's to improve the finding of the laboratory diagnosis of cholera cases. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Bacteriology, Center of Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) from January - July 2011. Medium evaluation was done by making serial dilutions of Vibrio cholerae O1 from 107-101 cfu / ml inoculated into three mediums: alkaline peptone water, bismuth sulfite, and gelatin phosphate salt broth medium. Then were incubated 37 degrees C for 8 hours and every two hours was tested by immunochromatographic strip test. The data analysis to determine treatment and individual differences each group was done by one way ANOVA test.The results showed that alkali peptone water are better than gelatine phosphate salt broth and bismuth sulfite in increasing V. cholerae O1, p. value 0.000 means significant different. Meanwhile from 24 samples dilutions which were inoculated in three enrichment media, and detected by rapid immunochromatographic in every 2 hours for 8 hours showed positive result in enrichments media are 17 samples for alkali peptone water, 13 samples for gelatine phosphate salt broth and 8 samples for bismuth sulfite.
V. Cholerae, Enrichment Media, Immunochromatographic strip test
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