A Tailor-Made Sport: Ultra-Trail

Maxime Travert, Ghislain Hanula,Jean Griffet


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The ultra-trail is a long-distance race taking place in a natural environment. This event attracts an increasing number of participants. The runner alternates between walking and running to finish within the allotted time. It is a challenging test that takes a substantial period of time to prepare for. In a unique setting, the runners try to overcome a maximum degree of difficulty, to run as fast as they can, or to obtain the best ranking. Ultra-trail is an adventure within which each individual defines their own race. The participation in this kind of event is a challenge tailor-made for each of them. Competition provides modern sport with an unambiguous image of modernity. Focused on the challenge, ultra-trail represents an equivocal and nuanced reflection of the tensions and divergences of our societies. L'ultra-trail est une course longue effectuee dans un environnement naturel. Il attire de plus en plus de pratiquants. Le coureur alterne marche et course pour arriver dans le temps imparti. C'est une epreuve exigeante qui se prepare longtemps a l'avance. Dans un paysage unique, le participant tente de boucler un parcours tres difficile pour lui, de maintenir la vitesse la plus elevee possible ou de se classer. La course est une aventure oU chacun a la liberte de definir sa propre epreuve. Participant au meme evenement, des coureurs de tous niveaux poursuivent des motifs a leur mesure. La competition donne au sport moderne une image univoque de la modernite. Centre sur le defi, l'ultra-trail represente un reflet equivoque et nuance des tensions et des divergences de nos societes.
race, adventure, measure, event, course, aventure, mesure, evenement
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