Intravital imaging of cerebral microinfarct reveals an astrocyte reaction led to glial scar


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Cerebral microinfarct increases the risk of dementia. But how microscopic cerebrovascular disruption affects the brain tissue in cellular-level are mostly unknown. Herein, with a longitudinal intravital imaging, we serially visualized in vivo dynamic cellular-level changes in astrocyte, pericyte and neuron as well as microvascular integrity after the induction of cerebral microinfarction for 1 month in mice. At day 2-3, it revealed a localized edema with acute astrocyte loss, neuronal death, impaired pericyte-vessel coverage and extravascular leakage indicating blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction. At day 5, edema disappeared with recovery of pericyte-vessel coverage and BBB integrity. But brain tissue continued to shrink with persisted loss of astrocyte and neuron in microinfarct until 30 days, resulting in a collagen-rich fibrous scar surrounding the microinfarct. Notably, reactive astrocytes appeared at the peri-infarct area early at day 2 and thereafter accumulated in the peri-infarct. Oral administration of a reversible monoamine oxidase B inhibitor significantly decreased the astrocyte reactivity and fibrous scar formation. Our result suggests that astrocyte reactivity may be a key target to alleviate the impact of microinfarction.
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