The Caenorhabditis elegans TDRD5/7-like protein, LOTR-1, interacts with the helicase ZNFX-1 to balance epigenetic signals in the germline


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LOTUS and Tudor domain containing proteins have critical roles in the germline. Proteins that contain these domains, such as Tejas/Tapas in Drosophila, help localize the Vasa helicase to the germ granules and facilitate piRNA-mediated transposon silencing. The homologous proteins in mammals, TDRD5 and TDRD7, are required during spermiogenesis. Until now, proteins containing both LOTUS and Tudor domains in Caenorhabditis elegans have remained elusive. Here we describe LOTR-1 (D1081.7), which derives its name from its LOTUS and Tudor domains. Interestingly, LOTR-1 docks next to P granules to colocalize with the broadly conserved Z-granule helicase, ZNFX-1. The Tudor domain of LOTR-1 is required for its Z-granule retention. Like znfx-1 mutants, lotr-1 mutants lose small RNAs from the 3' ends of WAGO and mutator targets, reminiscent of the loss of piRNAs from the 3' ends of piRNA precursor transcripts in mouse Tdrd5 mutants. Our work shows that LOTR-1 acts with ZNFX-1 to bring small RNA amplifying mechanisms towards the 3' ends of its RNA templates. Author summaryGerm granules are protein and RNA complexes that are critical for maintaining an animal's fertility. Central to the composition of germ granules are their small RNAs, which have the capacity to convey a memory of germline-licensed expression from one generation to the next. Here we describe and characterize a new germ-granule protein in C. elegans that we've named LOTR-1, after its LOTUS and Tudor domains. This combination of LOTUS and Tudor domains can be found in the mammalian proteins TDRD5 and TDRD7, which are required during spermatogenesis. During C. elegans embryogenesis, germ granules demix or partition into subgranules with refined functions. We show that LOTR-1 partitions with a specific class of subgranules called Z granules, interacting with a Z-granule helicase called ZNFX-1. Here, LOTR-1 functions with ZNFX-1 to position small RNA amplification from RNA templates, ensuring a memory of germline expression across generations. These findings may provide new insight into the function of TDRD5 and TDRD7 during human germline development.
caenorhabditis elegans,epigenetic signals,protein
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