The cell of cancer origin provides the most reliable roadmap to its diagnosis, prognosis (biology) and therapy

Rachita Pandya, Kaitlyn Grace San Diego, Talha Shabbir,Arnav P Modi,Justin Wang,Joseph Dhahbi,Sanford H Barsky

Medical Hypotheses(2021)

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Cancers arise from single transformed cells from virtually every organ of the body, divide in a relatively uncontrolled manner, and metastasize widely. A search for a “magic bullet” to precisely diagnose, characterize, and ultimately treat cancer has largely failed because cancer cells do not differ significantly from their organ-specific cells of origin. Instead of searching for genomic, epigenetic, transcriptional, and translational differences between cancers and their cells of origin, we should paradoxically focus on what cancer cells have in common with their untransformed cells of origin. This redirected search will lead to improved diagnostic and therapeutic strategies where therapeutic index considerations and drug-limiting toxicities can largely be circumvented. We cite three cancer examples that illustrate this paradigm-shifting strategy: pseudomyxoma peritonei (PP), metastasis of unknown origin (cancers of unknown primary) (MUO), and cancers that arise from potentially dispensable organs (CAD). In each of these examples, the cell of cancer origin still provides the most reliable road map to its diagnosis, prognosis (biology), and therapy.
Cell of cancer origin,Pseudomyxoma Peritonei,Metastasis of Unknown Origin (MUO),Cancers of Unknown Primary (CUP),Cancers of Dispensable Organs (CAD)
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