Bleomycin Electrosclerotherapy Treatment in the Management of Vascular Malformations

Milosz Kostusiak, Srinivasen Murugan,Tobian Muir


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BACKGROUND Intralesional injection of a sclerosing agent is a standard treatment for vascular malformations, but many repeat treatments are often required to achieve a response. The temporary application of an electrical field to the treated area increases cellular membrane permeability and therefore augments drug delivery. OBJECTIVE To report a case series of patients with vascular malformations who received bleomycin electrosclerotherapy (EST). MATERIALS AND METHODS A prospective observational case series of patients with vascular malformations treated with bleomycin EST. Only patients who did not respond or had limited response to standard sclerotherapy were included. The response to the treatment was assessed using a global assessment score and patient-reported outcome measures. RESULTS Thirty patients were treated with EST. Most of the patients had venous malformations (57%). Complete response or significant improvement was observed in 17 (57%) and 7 (23%) patients, respectively. Most of the patients were satisfied or very much satisfied with the outcome of the treatment. Most commonly reported complications were swelling, pain, and bleeding. CONCLUSION Electrosclerotherapy is a promising method of augmenting the efficacy of intralesional bleomycin injections when treating vascular malformations. It can potentially lead to a reduction in the administered dose and number of treatment sessions needed.
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