Coordinated Regulation Of Endothelial Calcium Signaling And Shear Stress-Induced Nitric Oxide Production By Pkc Beta And Pkc Eta


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Background: Protein Kinase C (PKC) is a promiscuous serine/threonine kinase regulating vasodilatory responses in vascular endothelial cells. Calcium-dependent PKCbeta (PKC beta) and calcium-independent PKCeta (PKC eta) have both been implicated in the regulation and dysfunction of endothelial responses to shear stress and agonists. Objective: We hypothesized that PKC beta and PKC eta differentially modulate shear stress-induced nitric oxide (NO) production by regulating the transduced calcium signals and the resultant eNOS activation. As such, this study sought to characterize the contribution of PKC eta and PKC beta in regulating calcium signaling and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation after exposure of endothelial cells to ATP or shear stress. Methods: Bovine aortic endothelial cells were stimulated in vitro under pharmacological inhibition of PKC beta with LY333531 or PKC eta targeting with a pseudosubstrate inhibitor. The participation of PKC isozymes in calcium flux, eNOS phosphorylation and NO production was assessed following stimulation with ATP or shear stress. Results: PKC eta proved to be a robust regulator of agonist- and shear stress-induced eNOS activation, modulating calcium fluxes and tuning eNOS activity by multi-site phosphorylation. PKC beta showed modest influence in this pathway, promoting eNOS activation basally and in response to shear stress. Both PKC isozymes contributed to the constitutive and induced phosphorylation of eNOS. The observed PKC signaling architecture is intricate, recruiting Src to mediate a portion of PKC eta's control on calcium entry and eNOS phosphorylation. Elucidation of the importance of PKC eta in this pathway was tempered by evidence of a single stimulus producing concurrent phosphorylation at ser1179 and thr497 which are antagonistic to eNOS activity. Conclusions: We have, for the first time, shown in a single species in vitro that shear stress- and ATP-stimulated NO production are differentially regulated by classical and novel PKCs. This study furthers our understanding of the PKC isozyme interplay that optimizes NO production. These considerations will inform the ongoing design of drugs for the treatment of PKC-sensitive cardiovascular pathologies.
PKC, eNOS, Calcium, Nitric oxide, Phosphorylation, Shear stress
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