An approach to bridge the gap between ubiquitous embedded devices and JFML: A new module for Internet of Things

2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE)(2021)

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Internet of Things enables sensors and actuators to share heterogeneous data between different devices. Such data can be used to create intelligent systems to control diverse structures available in houses, cities, or industrial environments among others. In this context, one of the most used approaches to handle these intelligent systems is based on Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems (FRBS) due to their suitability for addressing complex data and managing their imprecision. However, most of the current developments in this area are usually ad-hoc solutions limited by the intercommunication between FRBS and IoT devices. This results into significant challenges in reusing these solutions to solve latent problems. To bridge this gap, a new module for the open source library JFML is proposed to offer a complete implementation of an IoT infrastructure to develop intelligent IoT solutions based on the IEEE std 1855–2016. Moreover, a case study with real IoT devices is presented to showcase the use of the proposed module.
FRBS,complex data,ad-hoc solutions,IoT devices,open source library JFML,IoT infrastructure,intelligent IoT solutions,ubiquitous embedded devices,sensors,actuators,heterogeneous data,intelligent systems,industrial environments,fuzzy rule-based systems,IEEE std 1855-2016
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