Pfkfb3 Inhibition Sensitizes Dna Crosslinking Chemotherapies By Suppressing Fanconi Anemia Repair


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Simple Summary DNA-damaging chemotherapeutics, such as platinum drugs, are cornerstones in cancer treatment. The efficacy of such treatment is intimately linked to the DNA repair capacity of the cancer cells, as DNA damage above a tolerable threshold culminates in cell death. Cancer cells often have deregulated DNA repair mechanisms, making them initially more sensitive to DNA-damaging chemotherapies. Unfortunately, over time, cancer cells often develop resistance to such treatments by rewiring their DNA damage response pathways. Here, we identify that targeting the recognized anti-cancer target 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6,-bisphophatase 3 (PFKFB3), commonly overexpressed in cancer, with the small molecule inhibitor KAN0438757, selectively sensitizes cancer cells to platinum drugs, including treatment-resistant cancer cells, while sparing normal cells. Mechanistically, PFKFB3 promotes tolerance to and the repair of platinum-induced DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) through modulation of the Fanconi anemia (FA) DNA repair pathway. Thus targeting PFKFB3 opens up therapeutic possibilities to improve the efficacy of ICL-inducing cancer treatments. Replicative repair of interstrand crosslinks (ICL) generated by platinum chemotherapeutics is orchestrated by the Fanconi anemia (FA) repair pathway to ensure resolution of stalled replication forks and the maintenance of genomic integrity. Here, we identify novel regulation of FA repair by the cancer-associated glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 that has functional consequences for replication-associated ICL repair and cancer cell survival. Inhibition of PFKFB3 displays a cancer-specific synergy with platinum compounds in blocking cell viability and restores sensitivity in treatment-resistant models. Notably, the synergies are associated with DNA-damage-induced chromatin association of PFKFB3 upon cancer transformation, which further increases upon platinum resistance. FA pathway activation triggers the PFKFB3 assembly into nuclear foci in an ATR- and FANCM-dependent manner. Blocking PFKFB3 activity disrupts the assembly of key FA repair factors and consequently prevents fork restart. This results in an incapacity to replicate cells to progress through S-phase, an accumulation of DNA damage in replicating cells, and fork collapse. We further validate PFKFB3-dependent regulation of FA repair in ex vivo cultures from cancer patients. Collectively, targeting PFKFB3 opens up therapeutic possibilities to improve the efficacy of ICL-inducing cancer treatments.
PFKFB3, Fanconi anemia pathway, KAN0438757, DNA repair, FANCD2
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