Épocas de colheita e germinação de sementes de três genótipos cártamo

Ciencia Rural(2021)

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portugues.O cartamo (Carthamus tinctoriusL.) apresenta flores e frutos irregulares, o que pode causar problemas na producao e colheita de sementes em regioes com clima quente e umido. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre o tempo ideal de colheita de cartamo. Portanto, o objetivo desteestudo foi avaliar o momento ideal para a colheita de sementes de tres genotipos de cartamo(2106, S-325 e 7329). O experimento foi delineado em blocos casualizados, com seis repeticoes. A colheita comecou 16 dias apos o florescimento (DAF) e terminou aos 52 DAF. Dez colheitas foram feitas no total. Foram avaliados o teor de agua das sementes, materia fresca e seca das sementes, germinacao das sementes e primeira contagem de germinacao. Os genotipos 2106 e 7329 tiveram taxas de germinacao de 79% e 91%, respectivamente, aos 34 e 38 dias apos a floracao (DAF), enquanto o genotipo S-325 teve 90% de germinacao aos 37 DAF. A colheita aos 52 DAF combinada com uma estacao chuvosa prejudicou a germinacao das sementes de cartamo. A epoca de colheita mais adequada para o cartamo ocorreu entre 34 e 42 DAF, quando as sementes apresentam teor de agua entre 26% e 33%. EnglishThe safflower (Carthamus tinctoriusL.) has an uneven flowering and fruiting, which can cause problems in seed production and harvesting in regions with hot and humid climates. However, little is known about the optimal safflower harvest time. Therefore, this study evaluated the optimumtiming for seed harvest of three safflower genotypes (2106, S-325, and 7329).The experiment was a randomized complete block design with six replications. The harvest started 16 days after flowering (DAF) and ended at 52 DAF. Ten harvests were made in total. Seed water content, seeds fresh and dry matter, seed germination, and first germination counts were evaluated.Genotypes 2106 and 7329 had germination rates of 79% and 91%, respectively, at 34 and 38 DAF, while genotype S-325 had 90% germination at 37 DAF. Harvesting at 52 DAF combined with a rainy season impaired the germination of safflower seeds. The harvest time most suitable for safflower occurred between 34 and 42DAF, when the seeds have the seed water content between 26% and 33%
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