Auto-Split: A General Framework of Collaborative Edge-Cloud AI

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(2021)

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ABSTRACTIn many industry scale applications, large and resource consuming machine learning models reside in powerful cloud servers. At the same time, large amounts of input data are collected at the edge of cloud. The inference results are also communicated to users or passed to downstream tasks at the edge. The edge often consists of a large number of low-power devices. It is a big challenge to design industry products to support sophisticated deep model deployment and conduct model inference in an efficient manner so that the model accuracy remains high and the end-to-end latency is kept low. This paper describes the techniques and engineering practice behind Auto-Split, an edge-cloud collaborative prototype of Huawei Cloud. This patented technology is already validated on selected applications, is on its way for broader systematic edge-cloud application integration, and is being made available for public use as an automated pipeline service for end-to-end cloud-edge collaborative intelligence deployment. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing industry product that provides the capability of Deep Neural Network (DNN) splitting.
Edge-Cloud Collaboration, Network Splitting, Neural Networks, Mixed Precision, Collaborative Intelligence, Distributed Inference
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