A Review on Biological Attributes of Momordica charantia

Zermina Khalid, Syeda Mona Hassan,Shahzad Sharif Mughal, Syed Khurram Hassan,Huma Hassan

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics(2021)

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Momordica charantia is an herbal climber grown in tropical and subtropical regions, belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. M. charantiacan be used as remedyagainst various diseases from ancient time. It has been used in various Asian traditional medicines for the treatment of cholera, bronchitis, anemia, blood diseases, ulcer, diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea rheumatism, gout, worms, colic, disease of liver and spleen, cancer and diabetes etc. The main constituents of M. charantia are triterpene, protein, steroid, alkaloid, inorganic, lipid, and phenolic compounds, which are responsible for biological and pharmacological activities including anti-diabetic, anti-cancerous and anti-tumorous, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-helmintic, antimalarial, anti-ulcerative and immunomodulatory. Combination of its Ayuervedic properties i.e. Gunna, Rasa and Virya (Dry, pungent, light, bitter and hot) makes it the real natures wonder. Hence the present study is planned to evaluate the biological characteristic like antioxident and antimicrobial properties of M. charantia. These activities will be sassessed by using different assay viz. total phenolics, total flavonols and scavenging assay for 1,1, diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The antimicrobial activity will be evaluated by disc diffusion method.
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