Machine Learning Improvement Of Streamflow Simulation By Utilizing Remote Sensing Data And Potential Application In Guiding Reservoir Operation


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Hydro-meteorological datasets are key components for understanding physical hydrological processes, but the scarcity of observational data hinders their potential application in poorly gauged regions. Satellite-retrieved and atmospheric reanalysis products exhibit considerable advantages in filling the spatial gaps in in-situ gauging networks and are thus forced to drive the physically lumped hydrological models for long-term streamflow simulation in data-sparse regions. As machine learning (ML)-based techniques can capture the relationship between different elements, they may have potential in further exploring meteorological predictors and hydrological responses. To examine the application prospects of a physically constrained ML algorithm using earth observation data, we used a short-series hydrological observation of the Hanjiang River basin in China as a case study. In this study, the prevalent modele du Genie Rural a 9 parametres Journalier (GR4J-9) hydrological model was used to initially simulate streamflow, and then, the simulated series and remote sensing data were used to train the long short-term memory (LSTM) method. The results demonstrated that the advanced GR4J9-LSTM model chain effectively improves the performance of the streamflow simulation by using more remote sensing data related to the hydrological response variables. Additionally, we derived a reservoir operation model by feeding the LSTM-based simulation outputs, which further revealed the potential application of our proposed technique.
ungauged basin, machine learning, streamflow simulation, satellite precipitation, atmospheric reanalysis
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