Assessing disease outcome in COVID-19 pregnancies in a tertiary referral center in south India: A single-center retrospective cohort study

Journal of SAFOG(2021)

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Aim:To study the outcome in COVID-19-positive pregnancies.Materials and methods: Data collected and analyzed retrospectively from COVID-19-positive pregnant women admitted to our hospital between April and September 2020.Results: 78.85% of women below 30 years of age, 60.57% multigravidae, 53.71% above 37 weeks of gestation.76.85% no comorbidities, 73.42% no history of travel/contact with COVID-19 cases.84.57% asymptomatic, two had a severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), requiring intensive care.74.57% diagnosed using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).91.42% turned negative within 6-10 days.The SARI patients required intensive care unit (ICU) care, one expired.81.42% discharged between 8 days and 14 days of admission, returned for delivery at term.83.42% required no medication.96.28% had normal investigation reports.83.14% of patients discharged, 16.57% required emergency obstetric intervention.Cesarean section rate 52.28%, the previous cesarean section most common indication (43.16%).Two babies were stillborn.99.20%, Apgar > 7 at 5 minutes.Two required resuscitations.Nine required neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission.Two hundred and seven babies isolated from their mother, four turned positive.Forty-four were roomed in with mothers, 30 turned positive.One hundred and sixty-seven were breastfed, included 34 positive babies.Affected babies were asymptomatic.Conclusion: COVID-19 runs a milder course in pregnancy, possibly due to altered immune status.However, severe cases can deteriorate rapidly.There is evidence of community spread.COVID-19 seemed to increase cesarean rates.Neonatal transmission appeared higher following vaginal deliveries, rooming-in, and breastfeeding.Clinical significance: There is a dearth of adequate data to formulate guidelines about COVID-19-positive pregnancies despite numerous studies.We hope that our findings make a humble addition to ongoing research and provide further impetus to the global fight against this pandemic.
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